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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/09/22 Self-Evaluation Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Sun Bible Study 01-09-22-C1.mp3
01/09/22 Jesus Committed to the Father Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 01-09-22-LS.mp3
01/05/22 Revelation 21-22 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 01-05-22.mp3
01/02/22 An Extreme Resolution Adam Willingham Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 01-02-22-AM.mp3 Bulletin_-_January_2_2022_email_version.pdf
01/02/22 Revelation 19-20 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 01-02-22-C1.mp3
01/02/22 What to Bring to the Lord's Supper Joe Rimmer Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 01-02-22-LS.mp3
12/26/21 Jesus Fulfilled His Mission Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 12-26-21-AM.mp3 12-26-21_-_Outline_only_-_Blank.pdf 12-26-2021_Bulletin_-_Jesus_in_the_OT_-_Fulfilling_His_Mission_-_birth.pdf
12/26/21 John the Baptist Herb Hinely Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study 12-26-21-C1.mp3
12/26/21 Trials and Sorrows of Jesus Rory Salimbene Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 12-26-21-LS.mp3
12/19/21 Revelation 16b-18 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 12-19-21-C1.mp3
12/19/21 Resetting the Stage Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 12-19-21-AM.mp3 12-19-21_Resetting_the_Stage_-_Outline_only.pdf
12/19/21 Jesus is Alive Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 12-19-21-LS.mp3
12/15/21 Revelation 14-16a Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 12-15-21_C1.mp3
12/12/21 Revelations 12-13 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 12-12-21_C1.mp3
12/12/21 The Lamb who Stood Alone Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk Lord's Supper Talk Lord’s Supper Service 12-12-21-C1.mp3
12/12/21 David's Lineage Hangs by a Thread Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 12-12-21.mp3 12-12-21_-_Davids_lineage_hangs_by_a_thread_-_outline_only.pdf
12/08/21 Romans 10-11 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 12-8-21.mp3
12/05/21 Revelation 8 - 9 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 12-05-21-C1.mp3
12/05/21 Shepherded by a Lamb and Loving It Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 12-05-21-LS.mp3
12/05/21 Jesus in the OT - Call for a King Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 12-05-21-AM.mp3 12-05-21_-_Outline_Only_-_Call_for_a_King.pdf
12/01/21 Revelation 6-7 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 12-01-21-C1.mp3
11/28/21 Revelation 4-5 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 11.28.21.mp3
11/28/21 Jesus Makes our Prayers Sweet Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 11-28-21_LS.mp3
11/28/21 The Testing of Abraham Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 11-28-21.mp3
11/21/21 Recognizing Jesus in the O.T.: The Promise to Abraham Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 11-21-21.mp3 11-21-21_-_Outline_only.pdf

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