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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/21/21 God Died for You Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk Lord's Supper Talk Lord’s Supper Service My_Movie.mp3
11/21/21 Recognizing Jesus in the O.T.: The Promise to Abraham Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 11-21-21.mp3 11-21-21_-_Outline_only.pdf
11/17/21 Introduction to Revelation - Part II Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 11.17.21.mp3
11/17/21 Curriculum Workshop Various Speakers Workshops for Members N/A Workshop for Members
11/14/21 Intro to Revelation Part 1 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 11-14-21-C1.mp3
11/14/21 The Power of the Lamb Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 11-14-21-LS.mp3
11/14/21 Jesus in the OT - Garden of Eden Dwayne Gandy Sermon Jesus in the Old Testament Praise and Preaching Service 11-14-21-AM.mp3 11-14-21__Jesus_in_the_OT_-_Garden_-_outline_only.pdf
11/10/21 3 John Dwayne Gandy Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study
11/07/21 2 John Dwayne Gandy Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 2_John.mp3
11/07/21 When God Doesn't Answer our Prayers Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service When_God_Doesnt_Answer_our_Prayers.mp3 Bulletin-November_7th_2021.pdf
11/07/21 We are Knowalotters Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 11-07-21_LS.mp3
11/03/21 1 John 5:1-21 Dwayne Gandy Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 11-03-21-C1.mp3
10/31/21 1 John 4 Dwayne Gandy Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 10.31.21-1635695518.mp3
10/31/21 His Only Begotten Son Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10.31.21.mp3
10/31/21 How to Test the Spirits Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 10-31-21.mp3 _Bulletin_-_October_31st_2021_email_version.pdf
10/24/21 1 John 2:28-3:24 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Sun Bible Study 10-24-21-C1.mp3
10/24/21 Jesus Our Highway Builder Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10-24-21-LS.mp3
10/24/21 Give Me Confirmation not just Affirmation Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 10-24-21-AM.mp3 Give_me_Confirmation_not_Affirmation_-_blanks.pdf
10/20/21 1st John 1:1-2:27 Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 10.20.21.mp3
10/17/21 Intro to 1 John Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 10.17.21.mp3
10/17/21 Keep Yourself in the Love of God Tim Welsh Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10-17-2021.mp3
10/17/21 In This is Love... Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service _Bulletin_-_October_17th_2021_email_version.pdf 10-17-21.mp3
10/13/21 Jewish Wars - The Letter of Jude Brian Messerli Bible Class How Long O Lord Wed Bible Study 10-13-21-C1.mp3
10/10/21 Anchored in Christ Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 10-10-21-AM.mp3 Bulletin-October_10th_2021.pdf
10/10/21 I Will Never Leave You Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10-10-21-LS.mp3

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